Okay, sometimes we just have to fess up to our guilty pleasures. Here is mine:
I check in with the Redding Eagles' Nest Webcam via YouTube Livestream on a daily basis. In fact, today I watched them fiddle with their nest and preen themselves for five minutes straight.
Sometimes the nest is empty. In fact, most of the time, as I'm sure they are busy circling the oak-studded hills surrounding Redding California.
Friends of the Redding Eagles, a non-profit, keeps a history on each of these raptors. I cannot be sure how they know who's who. The most constant Eagle they've tracked is a female they've named "Liberty". Liberty has an impressive history, and is most certainly doing her part to propagate her species, having built five nests since 2005 and raised twenty-six offspring from egg to fledging, including four sets of triplets.
For your own glimpse of these beautiful creatures check out the live feed on youtube:
So there you have it.
Perhaps someday I'll establish a community frog cam :-)