Memo to self.
You sign up for some really awesome classes (yes, you’ve always wanted to learn to code in python) and you write, and you connect with friends on social media, and you subscribe to two streaming services, you have a rather full email inbox, and you need to pay bills. You are on your computer screen a lot these days it seems.
So, you reorient your desk to catch a glimpse of the poppies in full bloom, and when you pause, you hear the frogs in the tiny pond that you built too close to the house.
As the sun makes it’s journey to the north and the days lengthen, you find yourself longing to…
Go outside.
You discover that Spring on the orchard is a sight to behold. There is this:
And this:
And this:
Even more awaits your attention.
From the drama of the finches choosing their nesting locations to the return of the hummingbirds, to the zucchini plant with yet another full set of leaves (how did that happen so fast?), it is all there, waiting.
for you.