As we look to the future and our relationship with the next generation, we face a stark choice: a path of fear, cynicism, denial and despair, or one of hope, renewal, restoration and of co-creating abundance for the future. Our young people are already keenly aware of the dire state of the world, with messages from mass media that lead to desolation. It is our task to offer a positive path forward even as we help them, and ourselves, through the grief and despair over what we have inherited.
The Universe has undergone 13.7 billion years of physical and spiritual evolution. We find ourselves a part of an unfolding story, one where we all have common origins and where we all are part of a whole living system on planet Earth. To live in harmony with the planet requires that we accept our position as a part of the natural system rather than a consumer (or taker) of Earth's gifts. Sadly, awaken to this just as we witness, and realize that we've caused, a massive planetary extinction event.
The solution to global difficulties lies within Earth herself: in us. Our human family must turn its efforts to restoring and renewing the natural world. We must recreate healthy soil, forests, waters. We must recreate local communities together. We must slow and eventually reverse our impact on the climate and the living systems of our planet home. This will not only require political will, it will require individual and collective awakening and resolve. An internal shift is required--a change in our way of being.
We need a life-giving and sustaining vision and spiritual sustenance so that we can let go of the false promises that our culture of consumption has ingrained so deeply within us.
We need a New Story.
By observing, imitating and co-creating with the natural world, I find myself living this new story. As I behave differently, I also become a part of our natural world, instead of apart from it... I become indigenous to the plant Earth once again. My daily work reflects my spirituality, and my ideology--and all are consistent with a new cosmology, a new story: that we are part of this living, breathing planet and all life is sacred.
Today around the globe, many are learning the techniques of renewal—skills and philosophies that will help renew and restore damaged places, create healthy soil and grow food, and create resilient communities. These skills and philosophies are an important way to survive both physically and spiritually: creating abundance in these times and in the years of transition and restoration ahead. Nature offers wisdom and hope--for regenerating our soils and depleted Earth… and our depleted human spirit. We can design with nature, rather than fighting against her. Our human gardens and farms can operate like healthy natural systems, abundant and in natural cycles. We can work in community, finding harmony and cooperation with and within Earth's living systems.
The good news-- co-creating this new story together can be life-giving, satisfying, and even fun.