What if we matter more to others than we might imagine? Michael Dowd was one of those people who sparked joy in the face of doom.
Michael and his wife Connie Barlow created “Post Doom” conversations to help navigate these crazy times. I had the great privilege of being interviewed by Michael in October of 2019—and I’ve posted that interview below. A lot has changed since that time. The pandemic for one thing.
And another thing happened. Michael died on October 7, 2023—just four years after our interview. I’m still trying to get my head around this. He was a given. And now he is gone.
I got to thinking: who are the five people Michael might meet in heaven?** Does Michael know how much he and his work mattered to so many?
As we examine the arc of one life—we see that what most matters is love (in all its forms) and living each moment fully. This Michael modeled for many. Perhaps in examining our own lives, we might come to realize who was present in the moment when we most needed love, compassion and kindness. Who was there for us over the long haul? We might see who hurt us so deeply that we struggled to forgive them? We might see who we hurt in a fleeting moment... and ask for their forgiveness. And we might see who we loved and brought to life.
So, thank you, Michael Dowd for your inspiration, enthusiasm, and devotion to the Great Work of our time. You are one of those people I hope to meet again on another plane.
**On the topic of life and the people that matter most, here is a reprise of my post: The Five People Cammie Meets in Heaven.