I Can't Breathe
Learn more at http://www.breathablefuture.com
This weekend Loretta and I went to visit our grand babies. And it occurred to me that taking them outside is important. But here's the thing--we can't. Why? Because the outdoor air is officially "unhealthy" and "unsafe". It is filled with smoke that is causing us to cough and wheeze.
The wildfires that rage throughout the forests in the Western U.S. have transformed trees and wildlife and homes into smoke. And this is not one or two days of smoke. These fires will last the WHOLE FREAKING SUMMER into the Autumn. We will breathe smoke until it rains in November--assuming we can count on that in this crazy year of climate catastrophe.
I ask those of you who are parents and grandparents--Is this what you wanted for your children and grandchildren? A whole summer of being cooped up inside? Breathing noxious air? And what about next summer? And the summer after that? These are the very real consequences of drought and high temps, tinder dry forests and grasslands, unstoppable fires backed by fiercer than normal winds.
Welcome to Global Warming.
The good news: global warming CAN be reversed with solutions that exist TODAY. The data is in.
If you would rather argue with me about this fact, or share some bullshit story about how the Forest Service thinning trees will solve this, or if you want to wax philosophical about causes, or demonstrate how insightful and right you are about humans and the planet being truly screwed (or not) --I do not have time to engage in these kinds of conversations. I just don't.
This air visible in this photo used to be the forests I grew up with and loved... forests that I planned to share with my grandkids. These forests are on their way to being gone and my grandkids are already here--breathing them.
The time for talk has passed.
If instead, you want to DO something. if you are concerned about this future for the children of all species, not just ours and are unsure where to begin, I've created an "activation series" here: http://www.breathablefuture.com