Today was joyful, peaceful, powerful... electric and spectacular! (In Napa, we even cheered and sent love to the loud guy with a Trump flag driving by.) We are not protesters. We are marchers who rise up and stand for what we love and value: dignity, justice for all, and Earth herself.
This is who we are.
Why do we march? It is not complicated as some would have you believe.
We march for justice for all
We march as a STAND for love over fear.
We march as a stand for our values (especially in the face of those who desecrate those values).: most immediately womens' rights... and because women's rights are human rights.
We march to gain strength and courage from each other as we take this stand--for the rights and dignity of all diverse peoples and for preserving the life-giving capacities of our planet home.
We know that we are on the right side of history, buoyed by all the women who have marched before us. There is a dark winter ahead no doubt. But love is rising and is indeed already here. The seeds of what will come are waiting for us. We are just beginning... you have no idea how determined, courageous and passionate we are.
Spring is coming.
#womensmarch #whyimarch